
时间:2018-04-28 18:43:53 来源:舌尖上的美味作者:餐厅点击:

导读:优雅自然的烤肉店2018-04-28 18:30 来源:舌尖上的美味现代烤架餐厅供应阿根廷牛排和南美口音的原创菜单。诚实与品质体现在室内设计


▼CAMPO烧烤店,the CAMPO Grill

Modern grill house serves Argentine steaks and original menu with South American accents. A place where honesty and quality play main role both on the plate and in the interior design, creating authentic dining experience expressed in creative and consistent way. The spacious, decorated in dark colors, finished with natural materials interior reflects the honesty, simplicity and respect for nature – the most important values that define Campo – a modern grill house with kitchen equipped with charcoal oven serving steaks and original menu with South American accents. Dishes here are prepared in the spirit of ‘comfort food’ in which the highest quality organic Argentine beef is accompanied by local products, seasonal fruits and vegetables and selection of wines, many of which are organic.

▼店铺室内空间一览,overview of the interior space


The name of the place which in the Ibero-American languages means a field or an area of land suitable for growing crops or cattle farming, refers to the nature and restaurant gastronomic profile. Sincerity and simplicity are visible not only in the aesthetics, menu and the name of the restaurant but also in its functional layout. The premises, transparent because of two large, fully glazed facades, has been divided into clearly defined zones. Front of the house with reception area and single space dining room and back of the house including kitchen, service rooms, guest toilets and cloakroom, all hidden in wooden cube which opens to the dining room as an almost 14-meters-long shelf. Well visible to customers, the shelf symbolizes openness and creates homely atmosphere. It acts as the bar where the wine is stored, drinks prepared, bread cut and snacks are served. It also connects visually the dining room with kitchen thanks to large serving window.

厨房、服务室、客房和衣帽间,全部隐藏在长达14米木制的小隔间里;kitchen, service rooms, guest toilets and cloakroom, all hidden in wooden cube which opens to the dining room as an almost 14-meters-long shelf

▼大型的服务窗口将餐厅和厨房连接起来,而高吧台桌则适合下午品酒和零食;large serving window connects visually the dining room with kitchen and high bar table is ideal for afternoon wine tasting and snacks


Very important role is also played by finishing materials emphasizing restaurant’s concept and marking it’s functional zoning out. Leather banquette seating with an impressive background of hand-laid wall mosaic of black pebbles, cherry wood bar shelf, natural oak flooring and steel mesh screen with neon light define the dining area while the dark, graphite terrazzo floor adjoins the clear structure of the back of the house’s wooden cube. Dining room offers a range of zones suitable for all kinds of meetings. Sofas are perfect for a business lunch or dinner with friends, small tables in the vicinity of neon are a good choice for a romantic date, round tables, in turn, are suitable for family dinners, and high bar table is ideal for afternoon wine tasting and snacks.

▼皮革座位后面是镶嵌色的卵石的人工打造的背景墙,leather banquette seating with an impressive background of hand-laid wall mosaic of black pebbles

▼霓虹灯附近的小桌子对于一个浪漫约会是一个不错的选择,small tables in the vicinity of neon are a good choice for a romantic date

▼圆桌适合家庭聚餐,round tables are suitable for family dinners

▼皮革座椅卵石背景墙细节,details of the leather banquette seating and the background wall made of cobblestones


The whole project is characterized by great attention to details – visible in both the served dishes and service, as well as furniture finishing and selection of the equipment of which the majority were bespoke designed and made. The details also play an important role in the elements of visual identification like menu cards or staff uniforms. They use materials such as wood, brass and leather emphasizing the simplicity and naturalness of the whole concept.

▼定制的梯子和灯具,customized ladder and light fixture

▼店面招牌后隐藏的衣柜,the cloak space hidden behind the store sign wall

▼橱柜把卫生间镜子细节;detail of the restroom mirror and the cupboard handle

▼餐厅文件里统一的视觉元素也经过定制,visual elements on the menus and cards are also customized

▼餐厅平面,restaurant plan





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