时间:2018-05-19 15:42:25 来源:Emotiona小吃货作者:鸡肉点击:
1. 将黄瓜段去皮,修平内面,修成长方形,切薄片,放入开水锅中烫软,捞出,泡入冷水中至凉。
Peel cucumber segment, trim it into a cuboid, thinly slice, place in a pot of boiling water to blanch till soft, remove, soak in cold water till cool.
Take out the cucumber slices, pat dry, lay the slices out, place a coriander leaf in the middle of each cucumber slice, then put crab stick on top of the slice, red side face down, firmly roll the crab stick with cucumber slice up, do the same thing to complete the remaining, arrange on a serving plate, steam in a steamer for 2 to 3 minutes, remove.
Pour all the seasonings into a wok to cook till the liquid's thick, drizzle the liquid on top of the everything as the step 2 does. Serve.
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